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As a member of the Horseshoe Bay community, we care about your opinion on local issues. By completing this survey, you are helping protect and improve the quality of life at Horseshoe Bay.
How would you describe our golfing experience?
No Experience
How would you rate your Club dining experience?
No Experience
How would you rate the member events, festivities and activities?
No Experience
How would you describe your spa experience?
No Experience
How would you rate the resort landscaping and the appearance of the facility?
No Experience
How would you rate the value of your resort membership?
The value is excellent
the value is fair
the value is low
I have no opinion
What do you thinking of the Ownership and Leadership of the Resort?
I have no opinion
How do you feel the Resort affects your Property Values?
The resort has a positive impact on the value of my property.
The resort does not affect the value of my property.
The resort has a negative impact on the value of my property.
We know your time is valuable, and just a few more questions remain. Now, let us focus our attention on the community-at-large in Horseshoe Bay.
Let us know how you feel about the Property Owners Association.
It is doing a good job.
It is doing a fair job.
It is doing a poor job.
I do not know how well they are doing.
Do you think the Property Owners Association Dues are reasonable?
Too high
Just right
Too low
No idea
There have been recent changes to the Property Owners Association bylaws. How do you feel about the changes listed below:
Change #1: Convicted felons are no longer disqualified to serve on the Board of Directors. (you can pick up to 2 responses)
I support this change
I oppose this change. Felons should not serve on the board
I was not aware
I was aware but have no opinion
Change #2: POA members who have yet to pay their Property Owners Association Dues were previously barred from voting in Board Elections, but the Board changed the rules to let them vote for Board members in the next board election. (you can pick up to 2 responses)
I support this change
I oppose this change. Non-paying property owners are not contributing to our quality of life and should not be allowed to vote in POA elections
I was not aware
I was aware but have no opinion
The Property Owners Association extended the lengths of their own terms in office before they must stand for re-election from X years to Y years.
I have no opinion
The resort recently filed a lawsuit against the Property Owners Association Board to prevent them from using POA funds on substandard landscaping at entries to the area. Board members offered to settle the suit if they were given free memberships to the Resort.
This was appropriate
This was inappropriate
I have no opinion
About YOU:
I live in Horseshoe Bay year-round
My house in Horseshoe Bay is a second home
I have a home but never stay here by myself
I have only a lot and no home here
Your email
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